Religious Education

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RE Newsletter

Our Lady Of Lourdes Religious Education Classes

The Director of Religious Education office will be open every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Stop in or give me a call if you have any questions!

We are searching for a Director of Religous Education (DRE) leader. If you feel called to assume this role please contact the Parish Office at (217) 784-4671 or email the office at


Catechist Needed - until then there will be no class available

1st and 2nd Grade

Jean Wilhelmi (815) 735-7247
Marjorie Brown (217) 377-3132

3rd and 4th Grade

Beth Baillie

5th and 6th Grade

Erin Nuss (847) 207-8813

Confirmation Class

Fred Sarantakos (217) 781-1813
Jodi Beyers (815) 848-3371

Youth Group

Maggie Davis (815) 848-8985
Jerry Brown (217) 377-5277